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Today’s news piece has been written for us by Jayne Hardicre who is a Lecturer in Nursing (Adult Field of Practice), at the University of Salford

In the hustle and bustle of our busy working lives we can sometimes feel isolated; either within our professional groups or as individuals. This can also be true of the specialist nursing community. Knowledge evolves quickly, treatments evolve quickly and specialities evolve quickly. It is vital that we all find efficient ways of networking, sharing and supporting each other.

Musing over the different roles and geographical / speciality spread of researchers I decided to start the @ResNurse account. Still a novice to twitter myself, I was hoping that we could develop connectivity and sharing among researchers. A community, a place where we could all communicate and share … basically just knowing there was someone there.

Since its development in May we have developed a small team of curators to run the account, we currently have 450 followers (worldwide) and have just hosted our first and very lively ‘Tweebate’.  We have also linked in with #crnurse. We currently have great diversity of ‘followship’ and this facilitates great discussions, interesting questions and fabulous sharing of information. You can even follow a conference without even being there – essential in this climate where lack of funds to attend or be released can stop many being there in person.

I cannot recommend how important SoMe (social media) can be in developing global connectivity and support …..  and all from your PC, notebook, iPad or little phone. The idea of having connectivity with a community from that little phone in your pocket is mind-blowing. Take that first step and develop your own @area. Link in with other like minded people and organisations and see it grow.


This week Jayne wrote a thought provoking blog about her journey using twitter, I too, initially felt that twitter was not a real world proper interaction but Jayne very clearly describes the reality of today, SoMe is the real world and it’s a tool that we can use to our professional advantage – do have a read ( ) – what do you think?

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